Sunday Gatherings

We meet together weekly on Sundays at 11 AM. Half the time we meet in homes for brunch church, and the other half of the time we gather ecumenically for worship with Glencliff United Methodist Church. Our meeting times together may include brunch, discussion, music, scripture readings, prayers, a sermon, and communion. Children/Teens are full members of our community and are encouraged to participate in the entire gathering. 

The Pastor

Reverend Emily JoAnn Haynes is the Lead Pastor at Kaleo. She seeks to lead by example and equip the church to do her inner work as well as the work of ministry. She wants to help restore God’s message of love and reconciliation for today’s world. To find out more about Emily, read about Kaleo’s supportive relationships.


Giving money to support the ministry and church community is a part of our community practice of worship. Giving can happen on Sundays or online and money is used in alignment with our core values and the priorities we have set. A team of 5 Kaleo participants and 1 pastoral representative serve to set budgets, track income and expenses, and report back to the community.

All Believers

The arch of the narrative of the Bible gives us clarity about how the church can function. One important part of this is the call for the people of God in the world to be the “priesthood of all believers” (1 Peter 2). Practically, that means that we don’t function with pastors who do all the pastoral care, all the teaching, all the serving for our church community. Instead, our pastors serve as spiritual and practical guides as we seek to become the body of Christ together, each serving as a part of that body in the world and for each other.

Godly Play

To support everyone in connecting with the presence of God already present in their lives and in the world, we utilize the Godly Play method and curriculum. This program allows us to embody the postures of wonder, connections, and reflection with our precious and fragile faith. Godly Play is a montessori-style Christian education curriculum developed by Jerome Berryman that implicitly teaches the practices of building and sustaining Christian community, deep wondering about the mysteries of God, fluency in the Biblical narrative and chronology, and a person’s identity within the larger community of the people of God throughout history.

Other Things

Sunday’s gatherings don’t sum up our community life, but are rather one expression of it. Often the first step into Kaleo is through a Sunday service, but the strength and value of our Christian community life and witness happens every day of the week all across South Nashville. Connecting deeply in neighborly ways through serving the community, caring for each other, mutual support, living locally, and being vulnerable with sharing needs and surpluses is the heartbeat of any positive and life-giving love seen in our gatherings. It is entirely possible to be a part of this community and not conform to commonly held beliefs or behave in prescriptive ways. We love our neighbors and want them to belong. Find out more about this.

Gather with Us

Join in Sunday at 11 AM

2901 Glencliff Road, Nashville, TN 37211