

If you’re a neighborhood church, community organization, church-planter, ministry student, green-thumbed Nazarene, or any combination thereof who’d like to connect and collaborate please reach out via email. We’d love to have coffee (as long as it’s good coffee) and hear about what you’re up to and explore an ongoing relationship.

Neighborhood Work

If you’re a neighbor who would like to be involved in neighborhood work like: helping neighbors move, welcoming new neighbors, neighborhood and creek cleanups, tree-planting, children’s events and activities, visiting elderly neighbors, or community events. Sign up to get updates about neighborhood projects in South Nashville. 

Nazarenes for Creation Care

Nazarenes for Creation Care was co-founded by Kaleo’s Pastor Caleb Haynes in 2018. Nazarenes for Creation Care works to educate, equip, and mobilize other Nazarenes locally and globally to serve and keep creation.

Woodycrest Community Garden

A garden we started in our neighborhood in 2010. Since its inception, our church community has spent countless hours tending beds, planning community events, chatting, laughing and playing here. We traditionally hold our Easter “sunrise” service in the Garden since that is where Jesus was first seen by the woman who discovered he had been raised. The garden is now managed by the people of Woodycrest.

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree is a South Nashville initiative to plant food trees and bushes in front yards and on common ground that can be used as a free-pick forest for any South Nashville residents. If you want a fruit or nut tree planted in your front yard that will be labeled and open for neighbors to pick from, we would be happy to add you to the orchard map!

a row of well manicured tiny houses to be used for respite care

Village at Glencliff

The Village at Glencliff is a new community created to give people experiencing homelessness a dignified, loving, and hospitable place of rest after hospitalization. This non-profit is in the neighborhood and was founded by our United Methodist sister, Rev. Ingrid McIntyre, and we currently support it through our local impact funds.

a picture of light piercing low clouds above a green and luscious mountain range.

Interfaith Power & Light

Kaleo is a Faith Partner with Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light. TIPL is the state affiliate of a network of faith communities working across the United States, offering a spiritual response to climate change. Our mutual efforts will protect our climate through upholding the sacredness of life, defending those most vulnerable to the many impacts of climate change, and advocating for effective climate protection policies.

a group of people cutting a ribbon at the entrance of a building with a sign above that says, "All Are Welcome."

Green Street Church

Green Street Church of Christ has been gathering since the late 19th century. Their “Sanctuary” program, which is over 15 years old, received attention locally and nationally for welcoming homeless individuals to stay on their property in tents and tiny houses. The city of Nashville initially found them in violation of various codes and asked them to stop. They decided to keep the camp, which was not done to gain attention, but instead was a conscious acknowledgment of what they believed about God’s will for the church. Kaleo supports their work by cooking for and providing a midweek meal once a month. 

Volunteer in the Neighborhood

Want to be notified about volunteer opportunities in the neighborhood? You can sign up here and we will keep you in the loop:

Kaleo Church & Neighborhood Updates

Are you interested in hearing about the work of the Kaleo church-family a couple times a year? You can sign up to get our newsletter here: